(first school in Yellow Pine, 1920/21)
In the future, this page will be a facility for you to:
Stay tuned for further developments along these lines, and check back on this page.
In the meantime, if you’d like to start digitizing photos for submission, here are some guidelines in .pdf form, and here they
are in .doc format. And we will be happy to accept photos (as well as digitized historic documents and such) via email for the time being:
digital @ (Please send them in batches if you have many.) Thank you so much!
Here is the Yellow Pine that was… not so very different from the present day when it’s in the mist (the store is the low building 5th from left):

("At Dawn", Yellow Pine, Idaho - by Geo. R. Nock)
Before the era of local electricity, blocks of ice were harvested from the deep pool of the Ice Hole in Johnson Creek and housed in sawdust at the Yellow Pine store:

(Ice harvest at Ice Hole on Johnson Creek, near Yellow Pine, c.1935)
. . . AND MORE
Here in this modern photo, the store is the largest red-roofed building, center left; the hotel is the darker red building with the light roof:

(YP from above, on Golden Gate hill - by Deb Filler, 2010)
And here is a wonderful look at what flying over and landing near Yellow Pine is like!: